Bucs season ticket demand surges post-Brady news

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers ranked near the bottom of the league in home attendance last season.
That could all change over the next 24-48 hours.
Since NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport broke the news that future Hall of Fame quarterback Tom Brady agreed in principle to a deal that would make Raymond James Stadium his new kingdom, the demand for Bucs season tickets almost instantly surged. Because, of course they did.
Fans eager to purchase tickets through Ticketmaster to ensure their spot in the stands for the eight games Brady would presumably start in the 2020 season were met with a message that read: "You are now in line. Due to demand, you may experience an extended wait time. Once you reach the front, you may begin to shop." At one point, the queue was up to 2,900-plus people.
During the 2019 season, Tampa Bay ranked 29th in total home attendance, with an average of 51,898 fans a game, which ranked 30th behind the Rams and Bengals, according to ESPN.
While everyone eagerly awaits the official word of Brady's signing from the organization, Bucs fans have made it clear they already wholeheartedly approve of the move.

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